Corporate Responsibility Programme
All of us at DELTA have a great sense of responsibility towards you and your families--as well as our own. Which is why we’re implementing a far-reaching Corporate Responsibility Programme, with sustainable growth at its core.
We support society as a whole
Through our “Care and Smiles” programme, we support children, the elderly and people in need. In cooperation with reputable entities, we also provide 1.5 million servings of milk products annually, and always come to the aid of society in emergency situations.
Δες τις δράσειςWe support sports and education
In addition to implementing our educational programme “DELTA Knowledge”, we always endeavour to pass along positive messages to groups of young people.
Δες τις δράσειςWe support animal farming
We absorb 1/5th of the production of cow’s milk throughout the country, from Thrace to the Peloponnese. Our “GAIA” programme also helps to support milk production.
Δες τις δράσειςWe protect the environment
One of our top priorities is to constantly reduce the environmental effects of our production and implement a strict Environmental Policy.
Δες τις δράσειςWe guarantee the quality and safety of our products
We comply with the industry’s most stringent rules and regulations, while continuously investing in state-of-the-art technology and equipment.
Δες τις δράσειςWe care for our people
We provide a safe and fair work environment, with equal advancement opportunities, and implement programmes for continuous education and development.
Δες τις δράσειςWe take active measures against food loss and waste.
We voluntarily participate in the “Coalition for the Reduction of Food Waste”, a coordinated action supported by the state, the market and society.
Δες τις δράσειςH ΔΕΛΤΑ κατέχει την πιστοποίηση του πρώτου Εθνικού Δείκτη Εταιρικής Ευθύνης με το πιο αναγνωρισμένο εργαλείο αξιολόγησης και σημείο αναφοράς για την αναγνώριση των επιδόσεων των Ελληνικών επιχειρήσεων σε θέματα ΕΚΕ με βάση τα διεθνή κριτήρια